Quiet Lanes
Barrow cum Denham Parish Council is exploring opportunities to designate two rural lanes in the village as “Quiet Lanes” as part of a County wide project.
According to responses in a number of surveys, residents considered Road Safety to be a top priority for the village. Quiet Lanes are a nationally recognised designation for narrow, rural roads which are shared by walkers, horse riders, cyclists and other road users. They encourage drivers to ‘Expect and Respect’ more vulnerable road users and so allow non-motorised users to enjoy rural lanes in greater safety.
These types of lanes do not impose traffic restrictions and are not enforced. Advisory signs (like the one below) are placed at either end of Quiet Lanes to show motorised users clearly that the road is a shared space.
We feel that this would be of real benefit to the village and those who visit. The lanes being considered are already used by walkers, cyclists and horse riders and link with existing footpaths and bridleways in the village.
We have identified Barrow Road, Denham and Brockley Lane, Denham as being suitable for designation – see lanes marked in blue on the map overleaf. The section of Barrow Road marked in green has already been designated as a Quiet Lane by Dalham Parish Council so we feel that it makes sense to join this section to our part of the lane so it’s a Quiet Lane for its whole distance.
This letter seeks to inform you as the first stage of a full public consultation process.
If you wish to make any comments about these proposals at this initial stage, we would welcome these in writing either by email to the Parish Council Clerk barrowcumdenhampc@gmail.com or by post to Barrow Cum Denham Parish Council, 12A Simpson Way, Barrow, bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP29 5EA before 4th January 2022.
As part of the formal public consultation process there will be a Parish public meeting in Barrow Village Hall on 04/01/2022 at 7pm to discuss these proposals.
This project is being funded by the Suffolk County Council Suffolk 2020 Fund and the East Suffolk Community Partnerships and Greenprint Forum.
For more information about this project see the Quiet Lanes Suffolk website – www.quietlanessuffolk.co.uk
David Cousins – Councillor of Barrow cum Denham PC (Quiet Lanes Lead)
John Pearson – Chair of Barrow cum Denham PC
Kat Bowe – Parish Clerk of Barrow cum Denham PC
December 2021